
Thursday, February 3, 2011

blizzard of 2011

Well we survived the Blizzard of 2011. I am thinking we personally had about 20 inches or so, but wasn't about to go out and measure! Now I am sitting on the couch enjoying my last few hours of our second snow day, getting ready to finish my book and watch American Idol.

Here are a few pictures from the inside looking out. These were taken right when the storm started around 3:00 pm. The last two pictures show our deck the next morning and what is left to be seen of our fire pit.

Did anyone else get hit by the storm?

Stay warm and safe!


  1. Wow! That is a lot of snow! We have bitterly cold temps here in South Texas and the rumor is that we will actually see some snow tonight. Eeek! Even a dusting will be enough to cripple the city, it's a big deal for these parts! Nothing like 20 inches though, holy cow! Hope you were able to dig out okay! Stay warm! :)

  2. We got a dusting of snow, but had over 5 inches of ice just west of Indianapolis. I am sooooo ready for SPRING! Enjoy your blog.

  3. Wow that is way too much snow!Here in the Dallas area, we just got 6" on top of the 0 temps and ice. Feel bad for those fans coming in for the Super Bowl, they are saying I thought Texas was warm. It was a week ago, I was in shorts! Have a great weekend.

  4. We've been lucky for the last week, but snow is supposed to come overnight. I'm gonna hole up in my scraproom all weekend and pretend it's not happening. I'm so ready for spring....
