
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

a new addiction

bettybroccoli:  (via Frutti di bosco gelato)
(via Frutti di bosco gelato)

I have a new addiction! Pinterest and Tumblr! What a place for inspiration! You can spend hours getting lost in a colorful array of beautiful pictures - trust me I know. When I am in a creative mood, nine times out of ten I was inspired by a picture. Whether in nature, on the web, or in my mind, I am always visualizing new things. For my next mini album, I decided to go purple and these pictures are just the thing to get you me in the mood! Even the cute little bunnies!

To explore this new visual world, I made a new blog for pictures that inspire me here. I also added a "photo inspiration" tab to the top of this blog to capture many pictures sure to inspire you! I always try to give credit where credit is due (it is always nice to mention where you get your ideas/ it makes the creator feel all warm and fuzzy...tee hee!)

I invite you to try it - but might just get hooked!


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